The primary purpose of cosmetic dentistry is to give an aesthetic quality to your teeth. The procedures are also helpful in teeth restoration and damage repair. Amongst these procedures, is the aesthetic crowns and veneers Skegness.
At Park Dental, the procedures are carried out after checking your dental state. Both crowns and veneers are effective for restoring damaged, worn-out, broken, chipped, or gapped teeth. Procedures are carried out with professional advice, going with an option that is best suited for your dental needs.
Crowns and Veneers - Most Common Procedures of Aesthetic Dentistry
Cosmetic methods of dentistry are used for substantial improvement of your teeth and smile. It is a broad term used to describe procedures that improve your smile. Teeth implants and fillings are mainly for the provision of better dental health. For the aesthetic and perfect outlook of teeth, two main methods used by dentists include crowns and veneers. They sometimes improve your oral health as well.
A veneer is a thin shell of porcelain or other material that is carefully fitted on the front of your tooth. They are used to change the outward appearance of your tooth. The layer is almost 1mm in thickness. Crowns, on the other hand, are more like a cap. They are designed in a way to completely cover your tooth and so change the appearance of the whole tooth. It is about 2mm in thickness and can be fused with an all-metal alloy for better bonding.
The two methods have gone through a lot of improvement over the years to be able to match the color and appearance of your natural teeth. That is why they are amongst the most common procedures of aesthetic dentistry.
Crows VS Veneers | Which Option Serves you Best
Our dentists and experts decide between crowns and veneers after doing a complete inspection of your teeth and their health. We cannot just go for either of the restoration methods without understanding your oral needs. However, you should also have knowledge about which option serves you best.
Veneers vs crowns, both are entirely different procedures of cosmetic dentistry. One of them involves a health-related perspective while the other one is completely elective. Veneers cover the front side and bits of edges of your tooth. They help you in attaining a perfect-looking and natural smile. So, their purpose is just to give you a good outward look, they do not provide any sort of structural reinforcement for your teeth. It is just like an artificial fingernail.
Crowns are called tooth-caps. They are used for a full-coverage restoration of your tooth. It is like a tiny protective helmet for your tooth. A crown will cover your tooth to the gumline and sealed underneath. Now, in terms of its need, crowns are used when your teeth are structurally unsound. If your tooth broke off a little, got a little cavity, or has a crack, crowns are your go-to option. Also, after a root canal, your teeth get a little brittle, crowns fix that. Here at Park Dental, our dentists will further guide you on the absolute need for the proper functioning of your teeth with aesthetic veneers and crowns Skegness.
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A Perfect Smile Makeover with Veneers and Crowns
Both crowns and veneers are useful for a perfect smile. They provide a disguise for several cosmetic imperfections. Our consultants will inform you in detail how you can improve the color, shape, and position of your teeth. With veneers and crowns, you will be getting a perfect makeover of your smile.
Teeth appearance often makes us self-conscious in public. We even try to resist smiling or give a repressed smile for the fear of not getting judged by others. Your confidence is affected and you can never smile freely. Common reasons for this include crooked, discolored, gappy, or broken teeth. Cosmetic veneers and crowns are here to provide an efficient solution to your problems. Here are some important benefits that come with these two procedures of cosmetic dentistry.
- Improves your teeth’ color and outer appearance.
- Enhances your smile’s aesthetics.
- Treats worn-out damaged teeth and helps with misalignment.
- Improves broken, cracked teeth or overall teeth shape.
- Enhances the function and look of your tooth.
- Treats decayed, broken, or simply weak teeth.
On the outside, they all look the same. But our dental team at Park Dental will provide a better understanding of their difference, and the reasons for choosing the certain option as a solution for your dental problem.
Now that you have been thoroughly informed, you can begin the process right away at Park Dental. Your perfect smile with aesthetic veneers and crowns Skegness is just one appointment call away.